

弹弓使得好也可以当武器,但是你听说过警员不配枪,配弹弓的吗超昂天使 ?墨西哥阿尔瓦拉多市的警员不得不用弹弓来打击犯罪,因为没有枪。
Photo: Alvarado municipal government
Police officers in the Mexican town of Alvarado were recently stripped of their firearms and armed with slingshots and rocks instead, after most of them failed their control tests and were deemed unfit for service.
墨西哥阿尔瓦拉多市的警员最近被解除了配枪,代之以弹弓和石子。原因是他们中的大多数人没通过自控力测试龚伟华 ,被认为不适合执行公务。2寸照片像素
After only 30 officers of the 130-member police department in Alvarado managed to pass their control tests for the use of firearms, Miguel ángel Yunes Linares白礼西, governor of the Mexican state of Verracruz, decided to strip the entire department of firearms.
The governor’s office has confirmed that similar actions have been taken in other municipalities. However, some local officials have accused Yunes Linares of stripping local law enforcement of what little protection they had against the criminal organisations in Verracruz. In Alvarado血战午城, the officers were armed with slingshots and rocks.
Bogar Ruiz Rosas, the mayor of Alvarado, protested the decision to have his local police force disarmed by organizing a symbolic handover event where he issued police their new sidearms – slingshots and rocks. During this event, Rosas argued that most of those officers who failed their control tests did so because the department is currently made up of mostly newly recruited officers.
Photo: Alvarado municipal government
"Today we delivered slingshots to our municipal police,” the mayor told reporters present at the handover event. “The citizen governor made the decision to take all the weapons, which disqualified him completely火车哥 , as it violates our autonomy. It’s clear to us that this is a totally political issue and we have to be prepared to carry out our work, professionally, as you have seen us do it.”
Photos of the Alvarado police officers wearing their unusual sidearms and videos of Mayor Ruiz Rosas handing them out went viral on Mexican social media, and prompted a response from the Verracruz government. In an official statement, governor ángel Yunes Linares warned policemen in Alvarado that they cannot continue doing their job unarmed and that continuing to do so would be against the law, and they could be subject to prosecution.
阿尔瓦拉多市警察佩戴不寻常的武器装备的照片和鲁伊斯?罗萨斯向他们发放弹弓的视频在墨西哥社交媒体上传疯了沈长清 ,促使韦拉克鲁斯州政府做出反应。在一份官方声明中,州长利纳雷斯警告阿尔瓦拉多市的警察说,没有武器就不能继续执行公务银票网 ,如果继续执行公务将是违法的,并会被起诉。
But don’t slingshots count as weapons in the right hands? Plus口哨歌 , this wouldn’t be the first time Mexican police would have to fight crime with slingshots. In 2007, over 60 slingshots were issued to officers in the violent border city of Tijuana幻想领域 , after their firearms had been confiscated by army soldiers, on allegations of collusion with drug traffickers.
不过usdcnh ,弹弓到了行家手里也能算作武器,不是吗情欲深渊 ?况且,这也不是墨西哥警察第一次被迫用弹弓打击犯罪玫瑰帝国 。2007年贺来贤人,在暴力犯罪猖獗的边境城市提华纳,因当地警员被指控和毒贩勾结苏步青的故事,被军队没收了武器,当地政府就向警员发放了60多个弹弓张楚倩 。
英文来源:Oddity Central

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