众所周知,睡不好、休息不够,会引起机体多个系统功能失调,增加患心血管疾病和精神疾病的风险听说我爱过你 。那么,如何才能睡个好觉?权威专家给出了十条助眠建议。
1. Turn off your gadgets关掉电子产品
This is a good strategy according to Russell Foster, director of Oxford University's SCNi (Sleep and Circadian Neuroscience Institute), as blue light emitted from smartphone, TV and computer screens can suppress melatonin (a hormone helping you sleep) and increase your alertness.据牛津大学睡眠和生理神经科学研究所主任罗塞尔?福斯特介绍,智能手机、电视以及电脑屏幕释放的蓝光会抑制褪黑素(一种帮助睡眠的激素),让你更加清醒卢美美事件。因此,关掉电子产品是助眠的好方法。
You can even buy special light bulbs mimicking sunlight -- "white and color ambience" bulbs can gradually wake you up and send you to sleep by slowly brightening, dimming and alternating the light's frequency.你也可以购买仿日光的特制灯泡——“白光和彩色光”的灯泡可以通过慢慢调节亮度,改变光频逐渐唤醒你或送你入梦。
2. Avoid a bedtime tipple睡前不要饮酒
However enjoyable nightcaps may be, unfortunately they could lead to more shallow sleep.虽然睡前小酌很是惬意,但你可能因此睡得更浅。
"Alcohol will actually disrupt some of the important things going on in the brain such as memory consolidation浮生偷欢 ," says Foster.福斯特称:“酒精实际上会扰乱大脑中一些重要的东西,比如记忆巩固。”
A shallower sleep could lead to a negative cycle where you're dependent on sedatives to sleep, and stimulants such as caffeine or sugary food to stay awake during the day.较浅的睡眠可能会导致恶性循环,让你依赖镇静剂入睡,白天靠咖啡因、含糖食物等兴奋食品保持清醒。
3. Get up early早起
If you're having trouble sleeping, getting up earlier could be the solution for you. It may seem brutal河南佛教学院 , but it can get results.如果你难以入睡,早起可以解决这个问题。这个办法听起来简单粗暴,但行之有效。
"Expose yourself to morning light as much as you can. That has been shown to stabilize the sleep/wake timing of the human body clock," says Foster.福斯特称:“尽可能让自己早起。事实证明,这样可以稳定你的作息生物钟爨龙颜碑。”
You should also avoid napping, especially if it's for over 20 minutes四季雅苑 , as waking up from deep sleep can make you feel even more groggy. By getting into a routine of getting up early and experiencing daylight your body clock adjusts to sleep earlier in the evenings, ridding you of those restless nights.还应该避免午睡,尤其是午睡时间超过20分钟,翟煦飞因为从沉睡中醒来会让你感觉更头晕。养成早起的习惯,享受日光,身体的生物钟就能将夜晚入睡的时间提前,让你告别不眠之夜。
4. Forget your worries忘记你的烦恼
It's important to let go of the worries that build up during the day as they can effect both the initiation and maintenance of sleep.忘记白天积攒的心事非常关键,因为它会影响你入睡和睡眠的维持。
"The worries of the day should not be brought to bed," says Antonio Culebras, organizer of World Sleep Day 2016.2016年世界睡眠日的组织者安东尼奥?库莱布拉斯表示:“不能把白天的烦恼带到床上九焰至尊。
5. Work out锻炼
Whether you're swimming, running, or practicing yoga, regular exercise can make for a great night's sleep.无论你是游泳、跑步还是做瑜伽主播三胖,定期运动都能让你睡个好觉。
It's best to work out around six hours before you go to bed as your body stays overheated for several hours after vigorous exercise, causing wakefulness.最好是在睡觉前六小时左右锻炼黄美英尼坤 ,因为剧烈运动后的几个小时,身体会保持兴奋,导致失眠。
"Exercise stimulates the nervous system, and it can cause insomnia if you exercise too late in the day," advises Culebras.库莱布拉斯建议:“运动会刺激神经系统,如果白天时太晚锻炼,可能会因此失眠惹祸妖仙 。”
6. Work out a little more ...多点房事
It's also included in World Sleep Day's Ten Commandments of Sleep, which are guidelines for attaining the best sleep possible. As Culebras explained, "Bed is good for two things: number one, sleep; and number two, sex with your bed partner. It is a type of activity that is helpful and accepted."房事也被列为世界睡眠日的“睡眠十律”,这些建议有助于获得最佳睡眠。库莱布拉斯解释称,“床有两个用途:其一是睡觉;其二是和你的伴侣‘睡觉’。这是一项有益睡眠且很平常的活动。
7. Have a hot drink喝热饮
A hot (non alcoholic) beverage before bed is a great way to relax and prepare for sleep says Foster, as long as it doesn't contain caffeine.福斯特认为沈国放,睡前喝一杯热饮(不含酒精)是放松和助眠的好方法,只要不含咖啡因即可。
Avoid coffee, chocolate and fizzy drinks at least six hours before you go to bed. Non caffeinated herbal teas are fine -- but don't drink too much or you may be making a midnight trip to the bathroom.睡前至少六小时凯米尔酷 墨子攻略 ,不要摄入咖啡、巧克力和碳酸饮料。不含咖啡因的花草茶是不错的选择,但不要喝得太多,否则你可能会半夜跑厕所。
8. Listen to music听音乐
Soothing sounds can be a good way to doze off, but anything louder might have the opposite effect says Culebras.库莱布拉斯称,舒缓的音乐很容易让人犯困,但更响亮的声音可能会产生相反的效果。
"What is not as acceptable is loud rock and roll type music because that leads to excitation."“响亮的摇滚乐就不行,因为它会让你亢奋。”
9. Only use medication as a last resort使用药物是最后的手段
While you may get results in the short term, it's important to be aware of unwanted effects and see your doctor if you're having trouble sleeping.虽然药物可以在短期内帮助你入睡,但要了解药物的副作用威金专杀,并让医生检查你是否有睡眠障碍版纳鱼螈 ,这非常重要。
Most of the time insomnia is triggered by psychological problems such as stress, anxiety or depression. It's important to see your physician and treat the underlying issues rather than use pills or supplements for immediate respite.多数时候,失眠是由心理问题引起的,如压力、焦虑或抑郁鲁裕敏。去看心理医生韩城攻略 ,解决心结才是关键,而不是依靠药物或保健品暂时缓解。
"We don't have this knee jerk reaction of giving a sleeping pill to everyone who suffers from insomnia章馨月 ," says Culebras. "We try to determine why, and then we try to remove what's causing or perpetuating insomnia."库莱布拉斯称:“我们不会给所有失眠患者都开安眠药。我们要确定患者失眠的原因,然后试图消除导致失眠的原因。”
10. Keep it simple简单点
For some of you警坛风云 , it's that easy.对有些人来说陈绿平 ,这很简单。